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Key Skills


James Sacco, M.Sc.

Senior Bioinformatician | Machine Learning Enthusiast


Bioinformatics Programmer III

UCSF Laboratory for Genomics Research, University of California, San Francisco

San Francisco, CA

2024 - 2022

Conceptualized and designed a CRISPR-Cas12a library of guide RNAs, with genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic data to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Investigated drivers of CRISPR efficacy, using ML, resulting in a 15% increase in targeting accuracy.

Led computational analyses of multiple CRISPR screens in rare diseases, identifying 400 gene hits.

● Co-authored manuscript on key regulators of human stem cell differentiation.

Collaborated with wet-lab scientists to support 5 projects, accelerating project timelines by up to 20%.

Bioinformatics Scientist

ASC ASC Therapeutics

Milpitas, CA

2022 - 2021

Conducted comparative analyses of off-target detection methods in CRISPR screens using single-cell data, employing statistical models to evaluate accuracy.

● Developed a custom sequence alignment pipeline for gene editing, improving alignment speed by 80%.

● Automated workflows for sequence alignment, NGS data analysis, and off-target detection, reducing processing time by 60% and enhancing collaboration with experimental teams.

● Implemented company’s first version control processes, standardizing collaborative software development and data analysis.

Biomarker Data Analyst II

GNE Genentech (Contract)

South San Francisco, CA

2020 - 2019






C++ C++


Optimized clinical trials by streamlining biomarker analysis using ML models, including regression, random forest, and Xgboost, as well as explainable AI.

Improved sample quality by 10% across 49 clinical trial arms with department’s first ML pipeline to study the effects of biomarker operations on the quality of cancer immunotherapy assays.

Upgraded data operations for 6 data streams, including flow cytometry, biomarker operations, and oncology data warehouses, resulting in more efficient data sharing.

Data Curator

GNE Genentech (Contract)

South San Francisco, CA

2019 - 2018

● Integrated RNA assays, enhancing AI/ML module performance efficacy by at least 10%.

Enabled AI/ML team in patient stratification with robust data pipelines for static and time series data points.

● Coordinated data governance and integration between AI/ML, data management, and DevOps functions, to bring clinical ML from prototype to production.

Data Curator, Bioinformatics Analyst

BioMarin BioMarin Pharmaceutical (Contract)

San Rafael, CA

2018 - 2017

Published author on ARSA gene research for metachromatic leukodystrophy, adding to rare disease drug development.

Streamlined data analysis and visualization using R, Python, and MATLAB, improving data analysis speed by 70%.

Developed workflows for pathogenic variant identification across 60 rare disorders, resulting in more accurate prediction of disease prevalence and incidence.

Prototyped relational databases with Hail for efficient genomic data storage, improving data management and accessibility.

Active member of Biostars

I have participated in bioinformatics and software workshops and groups, in both Seattle, WA and San Francisco, CA, including:

SF/Bay AI Developers Group

San Jose Data Science and AI/ML Meetup

Hacker Dojo

Seattle Sequencing


English: Native Proficiency

Spanish: Native Proficiency

Dutch: Intermediate Proficiency

Research Associate

UM Pearse Lab: The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, The Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami

Miami, FL

2017 - 2016

● Identified over forty putative conserved vertebrate phosphodiesterase proteins, using multiple sequence alignment and genomic evidence.


Rowan University, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Master of Biomedical Science

Stratford, NJ


Florida International University, The Honors College

BSc, Biological Sciences

Miami, FL

Professional Development

Introduction to Genomic Technologies

Johns Hopkins University



Statistics for Genomic Data Science

Johns Hopkins University



Software Carpentry for R and UNIX

University of Miami

Miami, FL



Predicting disease severity in metachromatic leukodystrophy using protein activity and a patient phenotype matrix.

Genome Biology. 2023 Jul 24:172.



Trinidad M., Hong X., Froelich S., Daiker J., Sacco J., Phuc Nguyen H., Campagna M., Suhr D., Suhr T., LeBowitz J.H., Gelb M.H., Clark W.T.

Regulating Axonal Responses to Injury: The Intersection between Signaling Pathways Involved in Axon Myelination and The Inhibition of Axon Regeneration.

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2016 Jun 8;9:33.



Rao S.N., Pearse D.D. Manuscript Editor


Single Cell Analyses

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Logo Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Single Cell Analyses Meeting.

Cold Spring Harbor, New York


Prediction of disease severity in metachromatic leukodystrophy using measures of protein activity and a novel phenotype matrix.

American Society of Human Genetics American Society of Human Genetics Virtual Meeting. [Poster]



Trinidad M., Hong X., Sacco J., Nguyen H.P., Clark W.T., Froelich S., LeBowitz J.H., Gelb M.H.

Association of HGMD and gnomAD variants of unknown significance with prediction of disease incidence and prevalence.

BioMarin BioMarin Internal Research and Development Asilomar Conference. [Poster]

Pacific Grove, CA


Sacco J., Clark W.T., Yu K., Wu K., LeBowitz J.H.

Research Projects

Characterization of glycan substrates accumulating in GM1 gangliosidosis

Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports. 2019. 21, p.100524.



Lawrence R., et al.

Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors as a Therapeutic Approach to Neuroprotection and Repair

International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017. 18(4): 696.




Stonewall Sports kickball. San Francisco, CA. 2023.

Ultimate frisbee player. San Francisco, CA. 2018 – Present.

Rugby at Seattle Quake RFC. Seattle, WA. 2017.


Classical Music

Language Learning

Knott E.P., et al.

Oral Communications

Data Visualization of RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis with DESeq2

HHMI Doudna Lab: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA


Topics: Introduction to RNA-Seq, Standard Workflows with DESeq2, Reference-Based Assembly, Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization, Gene Set Enrichment, Variant Annotation

● Presented publication-quality RNA-Seq data summaries and representations to post-doctoral associates

Changes in chromatin accessibility are not concordant with transcriptional changes for single-factor perturbations

UCSF Laboratory for Genomics Research & Department Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco

San Francisco, CA


● Presented now-published preprint in contrast with established research at internal Journal Club to inform future experimental design in epigenetic editing.


Peer-Led Team Learning

Florida International University

Miami, FL


General Biology II facilitator for two concurrent PLTL courses


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Last update: 2024-06-20.The most recent version of this resume is available here.