Annotate a VCF

4 minute read

Annotate your VCF file

In this post, we will construct a custom tool to parse and annotate a VCF file (v4.1), a common file in genomics. Variants will be annotated via the ExAC database API. I recommend running the script in a virtual environment (I used Anaconda for this), and creating a YAML file with the dependencies listed, to ensure portability and reproducability.

Description of a VCF file

A VCF file has three sections:

  1. Each meta-data line in VCF begins with ‘##’

  2. Then there is a single header line beginning with a single hash (‘#’) character.

  3. Data & Sample

After the header line there are data lines, with each data line describing a genetic variant at a particular position relative to the reference genome of whichever species you are studying.

Each data line is divided into tab-separated fields. There are nine fixed fields: “CHROM”, “POS”, “ID”, “REF”, “ALT”, “QUAL”, “FILTER”, “INFO” and “FORMAT”.

The sample fields follow the fixed fields, usually with a genotype call and related data.

Import required libraries

import json

import pandas as pd

import re
import sys
import time

import urllib.request

Don’t forget to set the important, hard-coded variables:

  1. ExAC API
  2. Ensembl list of variant effect severity.



Ensembl variant consequences

Ensembl variation effect, in order of severity (descending):

effect_ranked = [

Create the class to parse the VCF

class VCF_Reader(object):
    A class to parse a VCF file
    Description of a VCF file
    A VCF file has three sections.
    1) Each META-DATA line in VCF begins with '##'
    2) Then there is a single header line beginning with a single hash (‘#’) character. 
    Data & Sample
    3) After the header line there are DATA lines, 
    with each data line describing a genetic variant at a particular position relative to the reference genome 
    of whichever species you are studying. 
    Each data line is divided into tab-separated fields. 
    There are nine fixed fields: 
        "CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO" and "FORMAT".
    The SAMPLE fields follow the fixed fields, usually with a genotype call and related data.

    def __init__(self, in_vcf):
        Create VCF_Reader object
            in_vcf: the VCF file to read. Required.

        vcf = []
        file = open(in_vcf, 'r')
        # Process line by line
        for line in file:
            if line.startswith('#CHROM'): 
                data_cols = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
                sample_data = re.findall('FORMAT\t(.+)', line)[0].split('\t')
                feat_header = ['variant_type']
                for sample in sample_data:
                    feat_header += [sample + '_depth', sample + '_num_reads', sample + '_percent_variant_support']
                feat_header += ['exac_allele_freq']
            if line[0] != '#':
                row = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')

        self.keys = data_cols
        self.vcf = vcf
        self.samples = sample_data
        self.header_cols = feat_header

    def get_type(self):
        Extracts the variant type from the VCF file for each variant
        type_var = []
        for variant in self.vcf:
            # Combine keys with variants in dict
            var_dict = dict(zip(self.keys, variant))
            var_info = var_dict["INFO"]
            # Find variant types under INFO 
            var_anno = re.findall('TYPE=(.+)', var_info)
        return type_var

    def get_seq_depth(self):
        Returns for each sample and variant: the read depth, alt. read depth, and alt. AF.
        s_AD = []
        for entry in self.vcf:
            var_dict = dict(zip(self.keys, entry))
            AD = []
            for i in range(len(self.samples)):
                info_s = var_dict[self.samples[i]]
                al_depth = int(info_s.split(':')[3].split(',')[0])    # Third entry contains counts per allele
                al_counts = int(info_s.split(':')[3].split(',')[1])
                AF = al_counts/al_depth
                AD += [al_depth, al_counts, AF]
        return s_AD
    def get_var_ids(self):
        Returns a variant ID composed of 'chromosome-position-reference-alternative' which is used in performing ExAC queries
        var_ids = []
        for variant in self.vcf:
            var_dict = dict(zip(self.keys, variant))
            info_v = '-'.join([var_dict['#CHROM'],
        return var_ids

Create the class to call the ExAC API

An Internet connection is required to connect to the database.

class api_query(object):
    A class to query variant IDs in ExAC. For each variant, append its allele frequency and genotype consequence(s).
    Example variant ID: 14-21853913-T-C 
    Column headers: chromosome #, position, reference allele, alternative allele. 
    Field separation: "-"
        var_ids: the variant IDs to query. Derived from the VCF_Reader class get_var_ids(). Required.

    def __init__(self,var_ids):

        exac_url = '' 

        ids = json.dumps(var_ids)
        ids = ids.encode('ASCII')

        # Establish connection with ExAC API
        api_call = urllib.request.Request(exac_url, data=ids, method='POST')
        exac_query = urllib.request.urlopen(api_call)
        exac_data = json.loads(
        self.var_ids = var_ids
        self.query_res = exac_data
        self.num_rows = len(var_ids)
    def get_AF(self):
        On success: returns allele frequency (AF)
        AF = []
        for variant in range(self.num_rows):
            var = self.query_res[self.var_ids[variant]]['variant']
            if 'allele_freq' in var.keys():
        return AF

    def get_csqs(self):
        On success: returns most deleterious consequence from ExAC.
        csqs = []
        for i in range(self.num_rows):
            v = self.query_res[self.var_ids[i]]
            if v['consequence']:
                cq_list = list(v['consequence'].keys())
                ranked_sev = [] = []
                for c in cq_list:
                    if c in effect_ranked:
                # Get consequence of maximum severity in the pair: (index, csqs)
                index = min([(index, csqs) for (csqs, index) in enumerate(ranked_sev)])[1]
                # Return NA if no consequence found.
        return csqs

Create the main function

Use pandas to output a CSV file.

def main(infile, outfile):
    Write annotated VCF to CSV file.

    print("Parsing VCF file!")

    start = time.time()

    data = VCF_Reader(in_vcf = infile)

    variant_type = data.get_type()
    variant_depth = data.get_seq_depth()
    var_ids = data.get_var_ids()

    print('Connecting to ExAC: Querying variants!')
    exac_anno = api_query(var_ids) 

    # Get allele frequency
    AF = exac_anno.get_AF()
    # Get allele consequence
    csqs = exac_anno.get_csqs()

    # Concatenate features
    features = []
    for var in range(len(variant_type)):
        if csqs[var]:
            variant_type[var][0] += ' (VEP: ' + csqs[var] + ')'
            + variant_depth[var]
            + AF[var]

    print("Writing to CSV: " + sys.argv[2])
    features_df = pd.DataFrame(features, columns=data.header_cols)

    # Create CSV file
    features_df.to_csv(outfile, sep='\t', header=True, index=False)

    print("Done! Annotated {} variants in {}.".format(len(var_ids), time.time() - start)) 

Read in command line arguments

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Parse command line args
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        main(infile = sys.argv[1], outfile = sys.argv[2])
        print("vcf_parser called directly.")
        print("vcf_parser imported into another module.")


Given a VCF file (v4.1), this script should output a CSV file with ExAC annotations.